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Re: XFree86 on G3/266 beige

Vincent Dugat wrote:

> I have some difficulties to configure xfree86 on my ppc G3/266 beige.
> I installed xfree86 4.0.3 and used xf86config to configure it. When I
> try startx I   the x server shut down. Could someone help me.

First of all, your XF86Config is clearly converted from a 3.3.x one and
contains a lot of cruft (like modelines) that isn't needed anymore. The Debian
X debconf interface does a pretty good job at autoconfiguring most things, you
might want to try starting from a XF86Config generated by that.

It might help adding

   BusID "PCI:0:18:0"

to Section "Device", but I'm afraid 4.0.3 can't really work unpatched. You
could try the 4.1.0 test packages at http://people.debian.org/~branden/woody/,
beware that Ani Joshi told me the ati driver there probably doesn't work on
PPC yet either, contrary to what I said here earlier. He's working on it with
the maintainer, until it's sorted out I suggest using the 4.1.0 fbdev driver
which is much faster and more feature rich than ever. (On my girlfriend's cube
with a Radeon it's faster in 1152x864 than the well accelerated r128 driver in
1024x768 on my Pismo!)

Earthling Michel Dänzer (MrCooper)    \   Debian GNU/Linux (powerpc) developer
CS student, Free Software enthusiast   \        XFree86 and DRI project member

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