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Who provides misc/fonts.alias?

Hi all,

Today my X server stoped working, and comlained about not finding the
'fixed' font. I got it started finally by pointing it at some other Unix
box' font server, whihc has 'fixed' as an alias in

And indeed, I don't have a fonts.alias in my fonts/misc directory. I'm
now searching for the package that provides this file, so that I can
reinstall it. Doesn't explain why it seems to have disappeared, but I
hope that will fix the problem ;-)

I've so far tried dpkg --search fonts.alias and various other
permutations of that same command with other file names, but without

Anyone who can quickly help out?

Thanks and cheers


(yeah, I know this rather belongs on debian-user, but I'm not subscribed
there... sorry about that :-)

Michel Lanners                 |  " Read Philosophy.  Study Art.
23, Rue Paul Henkes            |    Ask Questions.  Make Mistakes.
L-1710 Luxembourg              |
email   mlan@cpu.lu            |
http://www.cpu.lu/~mlan        |                     Learn Always. "

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