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Re: Updated root.bin makes problem on my powermac 9600..

there is an ongoing problem with this. my 7x00 Macs are doing the same thing. It looks like busybox is broken to the point where the root.img is unusable.

I submitted a "grave" bug report this morning, we'll see what happens.

If I were you, I would hop over to bugs.debian.org and report it as well.

--Chris Bellers

On Monday, October 22, 2001, at 10:56 PM, DebianPPC@netscape.net wrote:

Hi everyone.

Woody's root.bin image(3.0.15-2001-10-18/powermac/images-1.44/root.bin)
has a problem.

My powermac 9600 cannot access network with this root image during install
time, So I cannot install debian form network.
When trying to get rescue.bin or base.tgz, System output an error message
immediatly like this;
  "Failed to get files.."

When trying with Ethan Benson's root image,
I can access network. but system outputs an error message;
"Failure trying to run : chroot /taget mount -t proc proc /proc"

How can I install debianppc from network?

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