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Re: switch from ADB to linux keycodes ...

NeilFred Picciotto <debian-powerpc@derf.net> writes:

> but!  "alt" is now the option key instead of the command key...
> searching the archive of this list, i see mentions of this fact,
> including someone saying it's easy to switch that back.  but they
> didn't say *how* to do so, only that it's easy...

Since no one mentioned how to actually do this, I'll show you my
.xmodmap file that I load via .xinitrc.  I have a Lombard, which (I
think?) has the same keyboard as you, or something very close to it,
so this should work well for you.

---- .xmodmap ----
keycode 64 = Alt_L
keycode 115 = Meta_L
keycode 109 = Hyper_L
keycode 113 = Super_L

clear control
add control = Control_L

clear mod1
clear mod2
add mod1 = Meta_L
add mod2 = Hyper_L
add mod3 = Alt_L
add mod4 = Super_L

You'll note that I've bound things to Hyper and Super as well.  While
I was screwing around swapping Alt and Meta after the latest X
upgrade, I noticed that if you hold down the "fn" key and press the
various modifiers it produces the _R version of the keysym.  This is
useful for even more modifier keys for xemacs, IMHO =)

---- .xinitrc ----

xsetroot -solid black
xset b 0
xrdb -load ~/.Xdefaults
xmodmap ~/.xmodmap
unclutter &

ssh-agent sawfish


my .xinitrc file is just there to show how to load the xmodmap rc

good luck,

Josh Huber                                   | huber@debian.org |

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