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Re: X screen wraps around

On Sat, Jun 09, 2001 at 10:45:20PM +1200, Alan Macdougall wrote:
> However I'm still getting X crashing if it's left idle for a while (at
> least that's what I think it's doing - I come back to find the logon
> window looking at me) - this is even when setting the screensaver in
> Gnome to only come on after a very long time and commenting out option
> "DPMS" in the monitor section of the XF86Config-4 file.  A much earlier
> post on this list gives a workaround for this but seemed to me to apply
> only to people using KDE or XDM.  How can I stop this from happening?

It does look like the same problem I ran into, and I'm afraid I don't know
how to extend the fix to work with gdm.  However, my guess is that as a
test you could run the following:

xset -dpms s noblank

...from the command line after starting up X and then let it run a long
time.  My guess is that this will stop it, and the trick would be getting
this to run automatically when you start up gdm.

You could also try:

xset dpms 300 600 900
xset s noblank

, which is what I use now, which somehow makes it turn my monitor off to
save power, without killing X.
David Roundy

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