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Re: Booting 7200 without MacOS?

On Thu, Jan 25, 2001 at 04:23:16PM +0000, Matthew Kirkwood wrote:
> Hi,
> I've just acquired a cheap Mac (7200/90) for the purpose
> of running Debian.
> It seems to work OK, but only has a 700Mb disk which I
> very much doubt will be enough for both for both Debian
> and MacOS.  So, it would appear that my choices are:
>  * buy another disk, or
>  * dump MacOS
> If at all possible, I'd prefer the latter.  It would
> appear possible to boot from a floppy, but there does
> not appear to be a suitable disk image available.

you can use quik to boot this machine, you need at least kernel 2.2.17
or later though.  the installer will install quik for you, but you
need to set the boot-device OpenFirmware variable in order for it to
be booted you can do that like so:

nvsetenv boot-device "$(ofpath /dev/sda)0"

just hit command F2 to get a second console and shell to run this
command after the `Make debian bootable from the hard disk'

i friend of mine has been booting a 7200 via quik with no trace of
macos for some time now.  only problem was 2.2.15 and 2.2.16 didn't
boot on it (this didn't affect all 7200's), that was solved in 2.2.17.

when you partition the disk use the `i' command to create a clean
empty partition table without all the MacOS driver cruft.  see my
partitioning doc at:

you don't need a bootstrap partition on oldworld.  

Ethan Benson

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