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Re: potato->woody upgrade.

peter@lizardking.dabney.caltech.edu wrote:
> I decided to upgrade to woody from potato. This was precipitated in part
> by needing a new modutils; when i tried to manually install the deb from
> woody, I found that it depended on a newer libc than what I had.
> Now, I was unable to find anything but the most vague documentation on how
> to do the upgrade, but what I did was to go through /etc/apt/sources.list
> and change all instances of "stable" to "woody", then did apt-get update;
> apt-get dist-upgrade. It wound up upgrading ~100 packages.
> Then I checked on the version of modutils it installed. Which it didn't: I
> have version 2.3.11, which is what I had in the first place. I expected
> 2.3.21, since that's what you see when you go to ftp.debian.org
> and look in /debian/dists/woody/main/binary-powerpc/base/. However apt and
> dselect think that everything is up to date. As for libc6, that's sitting
> where is always was, at version 2.1.3-13, instead of the version that's in
> the ftp archives (2.2-5).
> What's going wrong?

There's been a big reorganisation. woody is no longer called unstable (sid is)
but testing. It's been reverted to the packages from potato and will be filled
up with packages from unstable which don't have (too many) critical bugs. I
guess it's again a problem of the PPC autobuilder lagging (if there is even
any for testing yet?).


Earthling Michel Dänzer (MrCooper)  \  CS student and free software enthusiast
Debian GNU/Linux (powerpc,i386) user \   member of XFree86 and The DRI Project

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