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Re: Trying to boot a PowerMac 4400/200


thanks for the quick answer...

[ disk trouble with root disk ...]
 > You might try a few different floppies.  Floppies are notoriously
 > unreliable.

Yeah; I tried 5 different floppies for the root image... And after
they failed, I tested them as boot-floppy and there they
worked... Putting the root image on again made them fail again... :-(

 > Can you download it under linuxppc?  If you have hfsutils installed,
 > you can unpack sit files under linux right onto your hfs partition.

Yes, I can, but: 

How do I unpack sit files under linux? I have an old version of
LinuxPPC, hfsutils is installed, but I don't see anything that could
do that... Maybe it's too old, or - more probable - I'm blind...

Or, maybe, it's magic, and the Mac just doesn't want to work on
weekends... ;-)

 > Good luck,


Uwe Muench, Dep. of Physics and Astronomy, 223 Phys. Bldg., Univ. of 
Missouri-Columbia, Columbia, MO 65211,    Phone (private): +1-573-442-6504
muench@grav.missouri.edu                     "For a successful technology,
http://www.grav.missouri.edu/~muench/	      reality must take precedence 
Fax (office): +1-573-882-4195            over public relations, for nature
Missouri -- The Showme state             cannot be fooled."   R.P. Feynman 

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