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Re: Resizing Partitions

On Wed, May 31, 2000 at 02:17:40PM +0200, Andre Berger wrote:
> The "really clean" solution without any Apple stuff has convinced
> me. Could you perhaps give an example how to use cpio to backup my
> ext2-partition, the usage seems quite complicated to me...

im not a cpio guru but the method i used was:

find /usr | cpio -padmv /mnt/usr

the main thing to be aware of when doing this is if you start from /
you get into a recursion problem, find recurses into /mnt and copies
what your are copying into where your copying ;-)  

since you have a monolithic / partition right now its not so bad do
like so:

mount /dev/target /mnt

find / -mount | cpio -padmv /mnt

which will cause find to NOT recurse past mountpoints.  when you
restore it will be easier if you root to another filesystem, say boot
floppy filesystem, then mount your backup on /source and your new root
and any sub partitions in /target/ and /target/usr /target/home etc.

then a 

find /source | cpio -padmv /target 

should take care of the restore. 

i am sure there are other ways to do this, this worked for me, and i
just did a quick test cpioing /etc into /var/tmp/etc and it works ok.

just be careful and you should probably read the cpio man page for

my advice is under the GPL, you may modify it as you like but it comes

(btw drop the `v' switch to cpio if you dont like seeing zillions of
filenames flying by on the console)

> And, which tool did you use for partitioning, mac-fdisk? 

yes, mac-fdisk is what you use.  when you start it run the `i' command
to clear the table and create a new empty one.  beware though that
mac-fdisk has some funny ideas about how simple math works, with large
disks it often gets the idea that they are really 500GB instead of
20GB so what you should do is this:

[eb@socrates eb]$ cat /proc/partitions | grep hda$
   3     0   20044080 hda
[eb@socrates eb]$

20044080 * 2 = 40088160

mac-fdisk /dev/hda -- print table 
[blah blah blah]
Block size=512, Number of Blocks=40088160

in english i got the kernels idea of how many 1K blocks the device
has, and multiplied it by 2 to get the number of 512 byte blocks.  

when you use the `i' command to mac-fdisk it will prompt for the
number of blocks, the default value should be correct, (ie match what
you calculated from /proc/partitions) if its something stupid like 20
quadrillion enter the correct value for number of blocks.

now that thats done go about partitioning as you normally would, if
you have not used mac-fdisk before go look at my quick 'n dirty
tutorial at http://www.alaska.net/~erbenson/debian/

it will tell you the exact sequence for creating the bootstrap
partition (C ; Apple_Bootstrap ; bootstrap ; 1P ; 800K) which is the
most complicated step.  for the rest just use the regular ol `c'

when you have copied over the new system you will probably want to use
ybin to fix your bootstrap partition, something like this should do:

mkofboot -b /dev/hda2 -C /target/etc/yaboot.conf -m /target/boot/ofboot.b -i /target/boot/yaboot 

be sure to fix /target/etc/yaboot.conf for the new partition layout!

reset OF to defaults by holding command option p r on a cold boot
should make it boot right into linux without any intervention.

good luck!  and don't forget to edit /etc/fstab ;-)

Ethan Benson

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