Re: XFree86 just broke on PB3400 (Fri 5/28/99 AM (US))
On Sat, May 29, 1999 at 01:38:02PM -0500, Mike James wrote:
> Hi, everyone--
> X worked great on my PB3400 until yesterday morning (5/28/99 ~9:00 AM CDT
> US). That's when I did an "apt-get upgrade" while in WindowMaker. I didn't
> (--) FBDev: Using cfb16 driver
> Fatal server error:
> could not open default font 'fixed'
Ayuh, been there myself for a few days. Persumably the FB driver wants
a font called 'fixed'. `strings` on the FB driver seems to confirm that.
I've not had time to go any further.
Christopher F. Miller, Publisher
MaineStreet Communications, Inc 208 Portland Road, Gray, ME 04039
Database publishing, electronic commerce, office and internet integration.
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