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popcon data explanation

Dear maintainers,

I am contacting you to understand how to make sense of the data available on the popcon website, as I came to a contradiction. It looks like the data reported on the graph are cumulative data, as the trend is always upward. Yet there are periods where the number of votes declined - which should not happen in a cumulative count.
Do you have an explanation for this? The number of installations is defined as the sum of 4 categories which includes an old and recent. Even someone uninstalling popcorn should still be counted in the old category, to my understanding, but I suspect I might be wrong on this point. I read the README and the FAQ and couldn't find any mention of this.
For the context, I am trying to make sense of the crowdsec installs graph here.
Thank you for your help,
Kind regards,


Matthieu Mazzolini

Data Scientist



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