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[Popcon-developers] Bug#709892: Bug#709892: popularity-contest: Unable to submit report

On Wed, Mar 19, 2014 at 09:06:48AM +0800, Paul Wise wrote:
> On Tue, Mar 18, 2014 at 11:26 PM, Ernest Adrogu? wrote:
> > It did work.  Looks like a server overload problem then.
> Indeed, the load average looks very spiky:
> https://munin.debian.org/debian.org/popov.debian.org/load.html

I know about this, but to me, this alone is not conclusive:
We know that submissions appear around 06:25 local time, and indeed this
matches the spikes, but it is not sufficient to conclude that some submissions
are lost (and how much).

However the largest spike matches the timezone (GMT+1) of all affected system so

Bill. <ballombe at debian.org>

Imagine a large red swirl here. 

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