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[Popcon-developers] support for multiple submission to multiple popcon servers

On Tue, Nov 19, 2013 at 10:49:49PM +0100, Bill Allombert wrote:
> Dear popular developers,
> Two proposals:
> (By myself): in /etc/cron.daily/popularity-contest,
> replace --keyring "$KEYRING" -r "$POPCONKEY"
> by      --keyring $KEYRING -r $POPCONKEY
> This allows KEYRING to be set to "keyring1 --keyring keyring2",
> and POPCONKEY to be set to "keyid1 -r keyid2", so it is possible
> to encrypt with several public keys at once.
> A more elegant suggestion 
> (By Yaroslav) Support for a /etc/popularity-contest.d directory
> with *.conf files that will be sourced by 
> /etc/cron.daily/popularity-contest
> So a package (in a Debian based distribution) can add a file to
> /etc/popularity-contest.d to change to popcon configuration,
> for example by adding:
> SUBMITURLS="$SUBMITURLS http://myurl";
> The issue is that the order of the files matters, so we need
> to read /etc/popularity-contest.d in a fixed order.

I wrote a patch (in attachment) that attempts to implement both
proposals. The patch includes the documentation in the FAQ.

The patch is available in the GIT branch 'bill-popularity-contest.d'.

Unfortunately I did not check whether the instruction in the FAQ
are working. I would be grateful if you could try them and provide

Bill. <ballombe at debian.org>

Imagine a large red swirl here. 
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