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[Popcon-developers] popcon page renders like the old style of the main debian website

2013/12/26 Bill Allombert <Bill.Allombert at math.u-bordeaux1.fr>:
> On Thu, Dec 26, 2013 at 01:59:15PM +0100, St?phane Blondon wrote:
>> 2013/12/23 Bill Allombert <ballombe at debian.org>:
>> What
>> do you think about including them as title attribute for each link so
>> the user has the explanation where he needs it.
> How would that look ?

There is a demo in the attached archive. It's a static page. If the
mouse is hover the link, the legend is displayed around the cursor.
(Do not care about the inappropriate links because of copy/paste for
having a quick demo.)

>> I saw a (probably very old) minor bug: the stats images are cutted at
>> the bottom and the 'i486' string is not properly displayed. The bottom
>> line of the square around the legend is not displayed too. Do you
>> think it's hard to fix?
> The problem is that there are too many architectures to fit in the image.
> So either I increase the height of the image, or remove some architectures.
> Neither options are very appealing.

Do you have to have increase the height a lot? Are There other
architectures not displayed?
I found the 'i486' is included in the image but it's not in the list
at the left of the image.

If it's the only architecture not properly displayed, perhaps removing
the black rectangle around the legend would be enough (the first
architecture will be upper in the picture so every others
architectures will be upper in the picture.)

Others solutions (?):
 - the architectures in the picture could be on two columns;
 - removing the architectures in the picture, and using the color at
the matching architecture in the left column. (probably more complex
and the missing i486 architecture in the left column is a problem).

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