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[Popcon-developers] support for multiple submission to multiple popcon servers

[Bill Allombert]
> I think base-files postinst can preseed popularity-contest.
> Petter, you are the author of the preseeding support.  What are the
> the advantage of preseeding over /etc/popularity-contest.d ?  For
> your own site, will you be able to use /etc/popularity-contest.d
> instead of preseeding ?

In some use cases, preseeding is the best option, while in others, the
/etc/popularity-contest.d/ approach is the best option.  For those
that want to configure Debian using debian-installer and a single
preseed file, the preseed option is the best.  While for those that
want to adjust the setup by installing extra deb packages, the
/etc/popularity-contest.d/ approach is the best.

This I do not believe it make sense to pick one over the other.  They
have different use cases.  I've used both, depending on the context.
Some times preseeding is the only option, while other times adding a
deb is the only option.

Debian Edu uses preseeding today, inserted when installing using our
udeb packages:

  # Get those using popcon to submit to us too
  popularity-contest popularity-contest/submiturls string \
    http://popcon.debian.org/cgi-bin/popcon.cgi \

But this approach will not work with the new popcon, so we need to
adjust it one way or another.

Happy hacking
Petter Reinholdtsen

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