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[Popcon-developers] popcon page renders like the old style of the main debian website

2013/11/5 Bill Allombert <ballombe at debian.org>:
> I do not want necessarily to keep the tabs, but there still need a way to
> switch between the two reports.

I didn't have a good idea so I keeped the tabs. I just removed the
rounded corners, paint it in black and add minor tweaks. (see attached

I added a ':' to 'Statistics for sections sorted by fields' in order
to have the same style to every title.

> I find the dotted div a bit awkward.
> The headers 'Statistics per Debian architectures' and 'Statistics per
> popularity-contest releases' are much too low with respect with the image.

For the second remark, the title is now outside the table to remove
completely the problem (it exists with the current website version but
the offset is much lower).

> Also if you have some idea about improving the current layout, do not hesitate.

I wonder if it would be interesting to give emphasis on the
'Statistics per Debian architectures' and 'Statistics per
popularity-contest releases' sections.
The 4 first statistics sections could be under a 'Download' emphasised section.
At the end of the page, there is a 'Raw popularity-contest results'
alone. I think it could be added to this download section.

I'm not sure if the latest sentence "To participate in this survey,
install the popularity-contest package." is useful. If an user search
informations about the use or the goal of popcon, he will give up
before reaching the bottom of the page. The sentence could be added as
a new second paragraph at the top of the page (just after the '...read
the README and the FAQ. ').

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