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[Popcon-developers] Time for a new popcon release?

The popcon graphs have stabilized, and I do not expect we will get
more information out of the hypothesis testing.  The numbers have me
convinced that there is a denial of service issue with the current
client that we need to solve.  Bill, what about you?

Bill, do you have a patch of your liking available to solve the DOS

I suggest we reduce the severity of #462268 for a day to allow 1.44 to
propagate into testing while we work on a new version to be uploaded
into unstable as soon as version 1.44 is in Lenny.  This new version
should make sure sure all clients in a given time zone do not try to
connect to popcon.debian.org at the same time.

The only BTS report with the patch tag is #251435.  Are there any
other patches floating around for fixing BTS reports?

Happy hacking,
Petter Reinholdtsen

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