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[Popcon-developers] Finally 10000 participants

On Sun, Feb 12, 2006 at 11:19:12PM +0100, Petter Reinholdtsen wrote:
> Today or yesterday, popcon finally passed the 10000 mark.  We have
> more than 10000 distinct reports in popularity-contest.  Hurray!

I would like to take this opportunuity to thanks you for all the effort
you have spent to make popularity-contest more popular. You did much
more communication than me.

> Do we need to optimize the code to handle more clients?

Actually, most the processing scripts running time depend of the size
of the packages files rather than of the number of submissions,
so I don't see any problem there.

I don't know the impact on the mail server or the web server, though.

While all the submissions happen on sunday at approximately the same
local time, the different timezone should split the load a bit.

Another issue is the large amount of storage required, we are close 
of a megabyte.

I am considering adding close-up graph showing only the last 3 months.

Bill. <ballombe@debian.org>

Imagine a large red swirl here. 

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