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[Popcon-developers] Bug#322261: popularity-contest: hints on translating time_t numbers to dates

Package: popularity-contest
Version: 1.28
Severity: wishlist

I was interested in converting the atime and ctime "time_t" integers found
in my popularity contest reports into a human-readable date.  I eventually
ran across the "ctime()" function in Python's "time" module which did the
conversion I wanted, but I wasn't able to find any "simple" command line
utility that was able to convert in that direction.  

(For example, the "date" command's %s format directive will return the
time_t integer for the date being displayed, but the --date= option
doesn't seem to let me specify a date using the time_t integer.)

Anyway, if anyone working on the popcon project has found some easy
way(s) to convert these numbers, it might be worth mentioning it/them in
the documentation somewhere (e.g. in the README along with the
description of the <atime> and <ctime> fields, or in the FAQ as a new



Nathan Stratton Treadway  -  nathanst@ontko.com  -  Mid-Atlantic region
Ray Ontko & Co.  -  Software consulting services  -   http://www.ontko.com/
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