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[Popcon-developers] Re: Raw data of popcon ?

[Alain Schroeder]
> Is there any possibility for me to get on the anonymized but
> otherwise untreated data of popcon?

It depends on the purpose, but my initial reaction is no, you can
not. :)

We have promised our users to keep their information anonymous, and I
suspect it can be possible to identify some individuals by looking at
their package lists if they are using non-official debian packages.

As I said when you asked during lunch, I have two proposals for a way
to handle this:

 - Set up your own test system, build scripts to process the data you
   collect, and then ask us to run the scripts on the complete data set
   when the scripts are ready.  If you do well, you might become a
   popcon package maintainer, and this get access to the raw data that
   way. :)

 - We can wash the complete data set to remove non-official packages
   from the individual package lists, and then publish these lists.
   These washed data should be without any information tracable to
   individual contributors.

You mentioned that you wanted to build a recommendation system for
debian packages.  This is a long time wishlist bug, #73603.  Please
read it to learn more about what was proposed almost 5 years ago.

I'm moving this discussion to the popcon developers list,

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