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[Popcon-developers] Asking for popularity-contest participation at install time

As some of you remember, the popularity-contest question fell out of
the installer when tasksel was rewritten.  We should try to get it
back into the installer.

Here is a proposed patch for base-config to enable it again.

It checks to see if popularity-contest was already installed during
the tasksel run, and if not, installs it (asking the participation
question in the process), and then purge it if the answer was no.


Index: lib/menu/pkgsel
--- lib/menu/pkgsel     (revisjon 1579)
+++ lib/menu/pkgsel     (arbeidskopi)
@@ -26,13 +26,6 @@
        ln -sf /bin/true /usr/bin/scrollkeeper-update
        ln -sf /bin/true /usr/bin/scrollkeeper-rebuilddb

-       # Make popularity-contest be selected for installation by default. It
-       # lets the user choose whether or not to enable it. We need more
-       # people using this so we can hope to get better data about who is
-       # using what packages in debian.
-       # (Doesn't work with new tasksel.)
-       #echo popularity-contest install | dpkg --set-selections
        # X needs some packages installed before its debconf config is run
        # to make it do hardware autodetection. The only way to make sure these
        # are installed properly is to install them now, before packages are
@@ -56,6 +49,20 @@

+       # Install popularity-contest if not already installed to ask
+       # if the user want to participate.  If the user say no, remove
+       # it again.
+       # It lets the user choose whether or not to enable it. We need
+       # more people using this so we can hope to get better data
+       # about who is using what packages in debian.
+       if ! dpkg --get-selections | grep 'popularity-contest' | grep -q install; then
+               apt-get install popularity-contest
+               if debconf-save-answers |grep popularity-contest/participate |
+                   grep -q false ; then
+                   dpkg --purge popularity-contest
+               fi
+       fi
        if [ "$KEEP_BASE_DEBS" != yes ]; then
                apt-get -f clean || true

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