~dld/pool comparison to Sekrit Overall Plan
The Plan and the sql packagepool I wrote are quite similar.
Here's a mapping of similar or identical things:
SQL packagepool Sekrit Overall Plan Differences
--------------- ------------------- -----------
incoming/,pinstall Incoming mv instead of ln
spool/ Holding
bleeding,experimental NPkg packages go direct to pool,
but require human
intervention to get into
some distributions such as
the stable track.
TABLE pool tag info database
filesystem,TABLE pool Package Pool
filesystem,no pool Reject Packages not listed in pool
entry are subject to eventual
pclean Cleaner Process
delete_after Trash pclean could mv rather than
timestamp, no other rm expired files. It's
dependencies already pretty conservative.
packages,sources, How Package Files release manager or script
contents Are Created has already compared versions
(eventually made when updating pool table.
one prog, all inside straight table dumps, very
a transation) quick.
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