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Re: Bug#915583: debian sphinx styling: second attempt

Stéphane Blondon <stephane.blondon@gmail.com> writes:

>  - for (draft sphinx) release-notes: http://stephane.yaal.fr/tmp/release-notes/
> What do you think about it?

commenting on the release-notes, but i expect applies to policy too:

looks awesome - imo it is now even better-looking than the docbook verison

in the tables, eg package list under
   http://stephane.yaal.fr/tmp/release-notes/whats-new.html runningnthe
   mouse over the rows and headers does some changes to the font which
   is a bit confusing, eg the "dark" rows end up near-white on white:
   suggest disabling this

the '# dpkg-reconfigure <grub>' is shown as a shell-comment, but is
meant to be a command-to-run-as-root (i remember this being discussed on
the previous version on the release-notes list, and i thought someone
had posted a way to fix it?)

When things are in the orange-on-grey boxes it looks to me like the grey
   boxes are not quite vertically centred, eg in

   the 'rsyslog' beofre the closing parenthesis the top of box is
   aligned to the top of the ")" but the bottom of the box extends

  (and i wonder if a slightly darker (ie red-er) orange would be a bit
  more readable, or wether changing foreground and adding the box is a
  bit much?)

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