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Re: Does iproute2 moving config files to /usr/lib violate section 10.7.2?

Daniel Gröber <dxld@darkboxed.org> writes:

>> Any configuration files created or used by your package must reside
>> in /etc.

> Pretty clear cut in my reading, however this was promptly shot down by
> Bastian <waldi> with the justification:

Configuration file has a very specific meaning in Policy: it's a file that
the local system administrator changes in order to configure the software.
If the file is not intended to be modified to configure the software, it's
not a configuration file, even if it contains configuration defaults.


although it doesn't make this as clear as it should be because it was
written before split configurations became common.

That's because the main point of distinguishing configuration files (in
addition to collecting them in /etc for the use of things like etckeeper)
is to ensure that we handle the modifications correctly, don't lose them
during upgrades, etc.  Static files that aren't modified by the local
administrator don't need that special handling.

Having the configuration *defaults* exist as a static file on disk in
/usr/lib isn't really that different than having the configuration
defaults exist hard-coded into the binary, which has been common for many
years.  Either way, what Debian requires is that the defaults be modified
by putting files into /etc, so as long as that continues to be true, this
is satisfying Debian's configuration requirement.  This isn't that
different than long-standing UNIX precedent, as seen in packages such as
postfix or INN or any number of other programs that support configuration
files in /etc but have a large number of hard-coded defaults that apply if
those files are missing or don't set that option.

I should say explicitly that none of this addresses the *preference*
argument between people who prefer to have the defaults in /usr and
overrides in /etc, and people who prefer to have all of the settings in
/etc so that they are readily visible for modification.  Some people
prefer one, some people prefer the other, and both sides feel strongly
about it and probably won't convince the other side.  But this conflict
has existed for essentially forever in the form of defaults that are
hard-coded into the binary and not expressed in the sample configuration
file, so it's not really a new conflict, and I think it's more transparent
to have defaults in a separate file in /usr than hard-coded into a
compiled binary.

I do understand why folks who prefer the "all settings in one modifyable
file in /etc" are annoyed when packages move to the split configuration
model with a file of defaults in /usr, but it's not something that Policy
requires one way or the other and there are vigorous advocates of both

Russ Allbery (rra@debian.org)              <https://www.eyrie.org/~eagle/>

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