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Bug#567033: Decide if we should continue recommending /usr/games


The bespoken machine of 2015 with 64GB of SSD has been repurposed
as a Buster (the "new" os at work) backporter box, but I'm still here.

I agree that the games in Debian - especially the free ones - don't
evolve that much,
don't grow so much, but on the "contrib engine + non-free assets" side
it goes in easily in the terabytes, all nicely and orderly managed with
gama-data-packager ...; so please keep the /usr/share/games dir;
so it can be split over a slow HDD or NFS.
(it's not really mandatory at boot even)

Next is /var/games , stuff managed by setgid/setuid binaries,
I would prefer to keep it as such.

Simon's argument about /usr/games are better than mine.

And yes, contents of this dir should generally be less trusted;
even proprietary .deb will install there.
( i.e. /usrgames/WorldOfGoo which works after deleting
is vendored libSDL, I guess a lot of others)

I would add about the usability of the shell when doing
autocomplete, I prefer to have /games separated,
it involves less mental context switch.

And things just work, and /usr/games is just an inode;
I don't see the advantage of getting rid of it.

FreeBSD is likely even more stuck in the past
with very few games to manage;
they can decide otherwise if it makes sense to them.

> libexec
(this scared me to propose that)


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