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Re: Question on the use of "/nonexistent"

On Sun, Dec 19, 2021 at 12:59:25PM -0500, Jason Franklin wrote:
> There are three improvements to make here:
> 1. Augment the documentation for "--no-create-home" to clarify intent.
> 2. Implement the "--homeless" option. (This is tentative!)
> 3. Add tests for these options!

Yes! Rationale seconded.

> For #3: I am currently trying to get up to speed with how to use
> autopkgtest in adduser.  I am reluctant to change anything other than
> docs until I have a corresponding test for what I want to change.  Once
> I have a good workflow, I'll come back to this issue and make the
> changes.

I know that adduser is a Debian native package, but maybe we should go a
little different way for testing. Doing autopkgtests is kind of
expensive since it requires the package to be built and a test
environment to be set up.

Maybe it'd be a good idea to have a "normal testsuite" that maybe wraps
useradd and userdel to simpler scripts that just log their command line
and see in a test whether adduser issues the correct and expected calls
to the lower-level tools. That way, running the test suite is easier and
can be done from any source tree, not requiring root, and not breaking

And then, in the autopkgtest, we could just call up the same testsuite,
just "live" and checking whether the correct things happen on the

But that's just a quick-shot idea that neither belongs in this bug
report nor on debian-policy, lets move this discussion to adduser@p.d.o.


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