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Converting dev-ref to use rST


I am considering to working to convert dev-ref to rST+Sphinx this
summer.  I would like to start a discussion about doing that.  The
main things that I need to learn from this discussion are:

- who else is interested in working on this;

- whether I should use the scripts that were used to convert
  debian-policy Debian-SGML->docbook->rST+Sphinx, or instead write a
  new Debian-SGML->rST+Sphinx converter; and

- whether there is some reason that this should not be worked on at
  the present time, and whether any of the dev-ref uploaders object to
  the prospect of my unilaterally committing and uploading this

With regard to the second item, the question is whether it would be
significantly more efficient to try to reuse the old scripts.
Otherwise, I'd probably write a Pandoc reader to do the conversion.
There is then the hope that this converter could be applied to other
Debian-SGML docs that are still hanging around.

While I worked on the docbook->rST+Sphinx stage of converting
debian-policy, I was not involved in the Debian-SGML->docbook stage,
so I need others' input on that.

If I end up writing a new conversion script, I don't expect to be able
to produce a program that will every single bit of markup right, but
one that would get most of the way there.  This approach worked well
for Policy when we converted that to rST+Sphinx in 2017.

Thank you in advance for your input!

Sean Whitton

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