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Bug#688481: [copyright-format] Clarify that trailing slashes in directory names are invalid.

On Sun, Feb 09, 2014 at 07:24:50PM +0100, Bill Allombert wrote:
> On Tue, Feb 04, 2014 at 07:17:22PM +0100, Nicolas Boulenguez wrote:

> >   The space character, used to separate patterns, cannot be escaped
> >   with a backslash. A path like "foo bar" may be selected with a
> >   pattern like "foo?bar".
> This looks like a rather ugly solution ? Proper quoting support might
> be in order.

I doubt that increasing the complexity of this format is worth the
while. Only paths in a fixed known tarball have to be checked.

If a same upstream tarball ever happens to contain two paths only
differing by spaces characters, but with distinct licenses or
Files-Excluded status (can you imagine a sane example?), then
exclusion by a later stanza will provide a work-around:

Files: "foo?bar"
# selects "foo bar" but not "foo_bar" because next stanza takes
# precedence.

Files: "foo_bar"

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