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Bug#701081: debian-policy: mandate an encoding for filenames in binary packages

Le Sat, Feb 23, 2013 at 08:02:10AM +0100, Helmut Grohne a écrit :
> I have to admit, that I am slightly in favour of just copying Fedora's
> approach. Making distributions more compatible with each other seems
> like a worthwhile thing to do.

This could be done by an addition like the following, after section 10.9
(Permissions and owners).  The wording is still a bit clumsy also, I am not
sure if "installed" includes files created by maintainer scripts (which would
be the intent here).  I named the section "File names", and not "File name
character set", in case we would add other restrictions (such as length) in the

+      <sec id="filenames">
+       <heading>File names</heading>
+       <p>
+         The name of the files installed by binary packages must be encoded in
+         UTF-8 and should be restricted to ASCII unless there is a justified
+         need for using other characters.
+       </p>
+      </sec>

Some packages do not comply with the above.  Given the pace of the releases
of the Policy, I am not sure that it is worth having first a should and then
a must, if you or somebody else would have the time to tackle the issue
after the Wheezy release.

By the way, how about directories ?

Have a nice week-end,

Charles Plessy
Tsurumi, Kanagawa, Japan

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