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Bug#697039: debian-policy: cron scripts should obey similar rules as init scripts

Le Mon, Dec 31, 2012 at 12:10:18PM +0900, Osamu Aoki a écrit :
> In this respect, inserting a section just before 9.3 as new 9.3 "Writing
> the automatic scripts" while copying most of the 9.3.2 contents except
> for the parts of the start, stop, restart, and force-reload options
> while mentioning "The following rules for automatically starting scripts
> provided as conffile must be followed." at the top or something similar,
> will be a good idea.
> The old "9.3.2 Writing the scripts" and old "9.5 Cron jobs" should be
> updated to point to additional requirement for such scripts.

Dear Osamu,

Section 9.5 already contains the following:

  The scripts or crontab entries in these directories should check if all
  necessary programs are installed before they try to execute them. Otherwise,
  problems will arise when a package was removed but not purged since
  configuration files are kept on the system in this situation.

If you are suggesting to consolidate the recommendations of 9.3.2 and 9.5 in a
single section, is it to improve the document, or is it because this
recommendation also applies to other sections ?

Or are you suggesting to upgrade the recommendations of 9.3.2 and 9.5
from "should" to "must" ?

Have a nice day,

Charles Plessy
Tsurumi, Kanagawa, Japan

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