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Bug#648271: x-terminal-emulator -e policy

It obviously is prudent to not exclude xterm from being a direct candidate
for x-terminal-emulator, while not excluding other terminals with saner

The xterm beaviour is of course troublesome for script autors, as you
always need an exception depending on the number of arguments - with
terminal emulators that just use a straight exec* call, it's easy to get
shell behaviour (-e sh -c ...), but vice versa, I can't come up with
something immediately on how to work around xterms behaviour when I really
just want to exec a command without arguments.

In the end, the problem will be that x-terminal-emulator will receive a lot
of abuse (it is already hard to use anything but xterm there), so the policy,
while being a required stept, is not sufficient to ensure that callers
actually follow it.

So a wrapper that would parse the command line argunments supported by
x-terminal-emulaor only would likely be much more successful. Of course, it
would have to be written and maintained by someone.

So yeah, the policy change is only prudent from a urxvt maintainer's
perspective (me) - you can't fight xterm, no matter how undesirable its
behaviour is.

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