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Bug#654958: debian-policy: Document VCS fields.

Hi Charles,

Charles Plessy wrote:

> +	      <tag>
> +		<tt>Vcs-arch</tt>, <tt>Vcs-bzr</tt> (Bazaar), <tt>Vcs-cvs</tt>,
> +		<tt>Vcs-darcs</tt>, <tt>Vcs-git</tt>, <tt>Vcs-hg</tt>
> +		(Mercurial), <tt>Vcs-mtn</tt> (Monotone), <tt>Vcs-svn</tt>
> +		(Subversion)
> +	      </tag>
> +	      <item>
> +		<p>
> +		  String identifying unequivocally the location of the
> +		  repository for anonymous access.  The field name identifies
> +		  the VCS.  More than one different VCS may be specified for the
> +		  same package.

If I keep my sources in svn, should I give a URL to the toplevel of the
repository (which is what one passes to "git svn clone -s" and allows
access to all branches) or one particular branch?  If a branch, which
branch, and should its content at the tip represent the last uploaded
version or is it allowed to be ahead of, behind, or even unrelated to
that?  Should the content at the tip match the uploaded package, or is
allowed to contain more, less, or some unrelated collection of files?

If I keep my sources using CVS, what is the format of the URL?  The
"cvs" package is an example.

What happens when the repository is moved or there is an outage?  Does
this represent a bug in the package like an email outage preventing
contact to the maintainer would?

Thanks and hope that helps,

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