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Bug#662649: base-files: Request inclusion of Creative Commons licenses in /usr/share/common-licenses

On Mon, Apr 30, 2012 at 12:44:01PM -0700, Russ Allbery wrote:

> > CC-BY-3.0: http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/legalcode
> > CC-BY-SA-3.0: http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/3.0/legalcode 
> I've run statistics on these from time to time, and they're not that
> widely used.  The most recent numbers, from last September, of packages
> using these licenses are:
> CC-BY 3.0                68
> CC-BY-SA 3.0            133
> By comparison, the least-used license family in common-licenses (the GFDL)
> is used by 939 packages.
> It's possible that this has changed dramatically since last September, but
> it seems somewhat unlikely.

My apologies for not finding bug 562920. Personally, my criteria would be
whether inclusion of these licenses would reduces bloat. Since these licenses
are used in multiple packages, it would already reduce bloat in the archive by
several MB (compressed). The CC licenses are used in a few packages included by
both Gnome and KDE desktops (gnome-icon-theme and shared-desktop-ontologies),
but not in any base installation paackages, so the impact on the average user's
free disk space would be negligable.

Met vriendelijke groet / with kind regards,
      Guus Sliepen <guus@debian.org>

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