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Bug#604397: Request for TC to rule on a course of action for supporting build-arch

On Mon, Jun 06, 2011 at 01:04:59PM -0700, Russ Allbery wrote:
> Andreas Barth <aba@not.so.argh.org> writes:
> > Option 1 also implies forcing debian/rules to be a Makefile, which is
> > think is sensible.
> Policy already requires this.  The only package in the archive for which
> this is not already the case is "leave".
> I don't like option #3 because it's something we'll be stuck with forever
> and requires packagers update both debian/rules and debian/control to
> configure things properly.  One of the reasons why I'm personally fond of
> #4 is that it reduces our long-term complexity.  #3 increases our
> long-term complexity, I think unnecessarily.

I have proposed an alternative in the past (which did not get any support, though):
Decide that packages that have a Build-Depends-Indep: field must implement
build-arch/build-indep. This is probably already the case.

This has the same advantage than Build-Options: a program can check if dpkg-buildpackage
will call build-arch just by looking at the control file.

There should be a well-defined interface to know whether dpkg-buildpackage will
call build-arch or build, that does not depend on a specific dpkg-buildpackage 
implementation. I am afraid that any makefile trickery would not be stable enough
for that purpose.

Concerning the long-term complexity: If you look at the bug log, you will see
that developpers objected that the build-arch/build-indep split was unnecessary
complexity for packages that would not get any benefit of it, so Build-Options was
proposed which allowed the split to be optional (so only packages that get some
benefit of it would have to implement it).

(PS: I am unsure how this bug fit the purpose of the TC. There is only one
alternative that have been implemented or even drafted at this stage.)

Bill. <ballombe@debian.org>

Imagine a large red swirl here.

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