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Bug#436105: suggestion to add GPL-1 as a common licence

Russ Allbery <rra@debian.org> writes:

> I therefore propose adding GPL version 1 to the list of licenses said by
> Policy to be in common-licenses and asking Santiago to include a copy in
> base-files.  I'm not including a diff since it would just create merge
> conflicts with the BSD diff proposed earlier today and because it's
> fairly obvious, although I can if people would prefer.

> Objections or seconds?

This has now been merged for the next Policy release.  Santiago, when you
get a chance, could you release a new version of base-files that includes
the GPL version 1 in common-licenses?  Thank you!

--- a/policy.sgml
+++ b/policy.sgml
@@ -9407,14 +9407,15 @@ END-INFO-DIR-ENTRY
 	  Packages distributed under the Apache license (version 2.0), the
-	  Artistic license, the GNU GPL (version 2 or 3), the GNU LGPL
-	  (versions 2, 2.1, or 3), and the GNU FDL (versions 1.2 or 1.3)
-	  should refer to the corresponding files
+	  Artistic license, the GNU GPL (versions 1, 2, or 3), the GNU
+	  LGPL (versions 2, 2.1, or 3), and the GNU FDL (versions 1.2 or
+	  1.3) should refer to the corresponding files
 	  under <file>/usr/share/common-licenses</file>,<footnote>
 	      In particular,
+              <file>/usr/share/common-licenses/GPL-1</file>,

Russ Allbery (rra@debian.org)               <http://www.eyrie.org/~eagle/>

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