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Re: Bug#553135: sendmail-base: maintainer-script-calls-init-script-directly prerm:67 than using invoke-rc.d. The use of invoke-rc.d to invoke the /etc/init.d/* initscripts instead of calling them directly is required. Maintainer scripts may call the init script directly only if invoke-rc.d is not available.


thanks to Manoj for pointing this out and Richard for explaining it.
Unfortunately this rc bug is still open after two months.

Short summary:

sendmail-base.prerm invokes an init script without invoke-rc.d which
technically is forbidden by the Debian policy. (report from Manoj)

The part that is invoked is not a standard command (clean) and would
that way produce a warning. (pointed out by Richard)

Let me outline possible solutions:
1) Tag it as wontfix and decrease severity.
   The reason for using invoke-rc.d is that it can prevent starting and
   stopping daemons when this is not desired. Cleaning the queue does
   not interfere with this.

2) Use invoke-rc.d --force. (suggested by Richard)

3) Move the queue cleaning script somewhere else and call it from the
   init script.

Please decide about a solution and solve this issue.


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