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Bug#241333: Mandate UTF-8 for changelog files

Steve Langasek <vorlon@debian.org> writes:

> This drops the hyperlink for UTF-8 pointing to the RFC; I don't think
> the fact that UTF-8 is now pervasive has made this irrelevant.  (That
> is, I don't know how relevant it was in the first place, but if it was
> relevant before, why isn't it relevant now?)
> Also drops the footnote explaining how to check the encoding, which
> seems to me like a good idea to have.
> Seconded anyway, if you don't think these are issues.

The reason why I dropped the RFC reference is that there are multiple
references to UTF-8 all over Policy these days and I don't really want to
footnote all of them.  I'm not sure the best way to handle this.  Maybe we
need some sort of introductory mention of UTF-8 somewhere?

The explanation for how to check the encoding is already in Lintian and is
primarily useful for doing the transition.  I can add it back in, I
suppose, but it didn't seem particularly useful in the Policy context; it
felt more like a Debian Developers Reference sort of thing.  It doesn't
hurt, but again I'm not sure if it's worth carrying that footnote in each
place we talk about UTF-8 (changelog, control files, man pages, and soon
copyright, README.Debian, etc.).

Russ Allbery (rra@debian.org)               <http://www.eyrie.org/~eagle/>

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