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Re: Bug#314808: Incorrect directory for web applications.

On 20-Jun-2005, Steve Langasek wrote:
> > On Mon, 20 Jun 2005 19:58:40 -0500, Manoj Srivastava <srivasta@debian.org (va, manoj)> said: 
> > >         /src/webapps/PACKAGE, perhaps?
> >         Arrgh. /srv/webapps/PACKAGE, I meant.
> AFAICT, the FHS specifies that the structure of /srv is
> site-defined; and we already have a directory for static content,
> whether it belongs to webapps or not, which is /usr.

So we have:

  - static content goes somewhere under /usr/

  - static, platform-independent content goes somewhere under

  - static, platform-independent content for PACKAGE goes under

  - some policy for specifying the location of web-served content of
    PACKAGE is needed
      - maybe /usr/share/PACKAGE/SOMETOKEN/
        where SOMETOKEN is 'web' or 'webapp' or 'www' or whatever

  - service-published content goes somewhere under /srv/

  - /srv/ is site-defined
    - thus shouldn't be clobbered by the package manager

That last one's a bit of a blocker, isn't it? We can put stuff in
/usr/share/PACKAGE/SOMETOKEN/ without worries. But how can we set up
a web application so it's ready to go, if the right place to publish
from is not writable by the package manager?

We could pass the question back a level: where should Apache, et al,
be looking for their web content? How can we tell Apache to look under
/srv/www/ if that directory is site-defined?

 \     "I went camping and borrowed a circus tent by mistake. I didn't |
  `\      notice until I got it set up. People complained because they |
_o__)                        couldn't see the lake."  -- Steven Wright |
Ben Finney <ben@benfinney.id.au>

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