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Bug#250202: Alternate proposal


> I would like to make one comment:
> There are essentially two ways to use patch systems like dpatch: In
> debian/rules have 'clean' depend on 'unpatch' or on 'patch'.  While the
> standard way is to depend on 'unpatch', if you make it depends on
> 'patch', then all patches are applied by "dpkg-source -x" and you don't
> need the 'patched' target anymore. The cost on implementing the
> 'patched' target is higher than fixing the 'clean' dependency.
> There are some cases like dbs where this will not work, so 'patched' is
> still worthwhile, but before asking the other packages to implement
> 'patched', we should consider to ask them implementing 'clean: patch'
> instead.


There are more packages than dpatch and dbs floating around
in Debian; and I consider it to be a step forward to move this way,
rather than trying to fix each patching script.


Junichi Uekawa, Debian Developer   http://www.netfort.gr.jp/~dancer/
183A 70FC 4732 1B87 57A5  CE82 D837 7D4E E81E 55C1 

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