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Re: Policy for devfs support

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Henrique de Moraes Holschuh <hmh@debian.org> writes:

> On Sat, 26 Mar 2005, Roger Leigh wrote:
>> Is there a project-wide policy for support for devfs (and devfs-style,
>> e.g. udev devfs.rules) device naming?
> Do it if you can. It is not mandated anywhere, but it is clearly a very good
> idea.  We should even make it a *may* in policy to stress this, I suppose.
> Most maintainers (AFAIK) have been slowly changing their packages to support
> devfs-like naming schemes or user-configurable naming of devices (which is
> even better).

I'd like to propose the following change to Debian Policy.  My writing
style and terminology may need rewording, but the main ideas are
supposed to be:

- - the traditional device names should be used by default
- - the devfs-style names are not the default, but are supported by the
  distribution, and so should also be supported by all packages using
  (hardcoding) device names
- - if hardcoding device names, both the defvs-style and traditional
  names should be checked for, with the traditional names being the
- - ideally, device names should be configurable by the user, though
  this isn't required
- - I specified the Linux port, since other kernels may impose a
  different device naming policy.  I'm not sure if this is the case or

- --- debian-policy-	2004-06-25 22:11:36.000000000 +0100
+++ debian-policy-	2005-03-29 20:51:36.000000000 +0100
@@ -6688,6 +6688,26 @@
+	  For the Debian Linux port, packages which hard-code device
+	  names, or provide default device names in their
+	  configuration files should use the standard Linux device
+	  names specified by <url
+	    id="http://www.lanana.org/docs/device-list/devices.txt";
+	    name="LANANA">, and should additionally also support the
+	  alternate <url
+	    id="http://www.atnf.csiro.au/people/rgooch/linux/docs/devfs.html#kernel-names";
+	    name="DevFS"> device naming scheme which is also in common use.
+	</p>
+	<p>
+	  Packages may allow specification of devices, for example
+	  using command-line options or configuration files.  If
+	  devices are automatically detected, the LANANA device names
+	  should be used by default, and the DevFS names should also
+	  be checked for.
+	</p>
+	<p>
 	  Debian uses the serial devices
 	  <file>/dev/ttyS*</file>. Programs using the old
 	  <file>/dev/cu*</file> devices should be changed to use


- -- 
Roger Leigh
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