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Proposal: raise software quality in init.d scripts


I red the debian-policy v. (testing) and found in chapter 9.3.5. the
example shown not so good as it should be, so I´m so keen to propose some
rules for all /etc/init.d/ scripts:

+ Rule1: "All scripts should (must) check for existence all ressources they
will use and handle properly missing failures before calling / combining /
using these ressources."
E.g. the script /etc/init.d/inetd forget to check the existence (and
accessibilty) of /etc/initd.conf! (Of course it should be there, but if it
is not???).
The script /etc/init.d/nis forgets to check for the availability of the
ypserver it needs - so booting is delayed for serveal minutes as the ypbind
dies for himself.
The bind script states its $PIDFILE - is this an security leak while this
file is deleted / rewritten with root´s rights?

+ Rule2: "All named ressources referenced by an script should (must) use an
symbolic variable (read: environment variable) instead of hard coding the
name or the location over and over again."
E.g. in the mentioned script "inetd" I would take the name and location of
the PID file out of the script into a variable written in
/etc/defaults/initd called PIDFILE.

+ Rule3: "All symbolic named ressources should (must) be declared and
initialized at the beginning of the script. They might be changed only via
scripts out of /etc/defaults."

+ Rule4: "If a important ressource isn´t available to the script it exits
with an errorlevel > 0 (1?)"

+ Rule5: "All system specific configuration files in /etc/defaults should be
changeable only by root, readable by world"

So in the current (testing) bind script ...
- the path ist set without checking if its already perfect
- the named command ist refered twice in start(), so if its place or name is
to be changed all places must be corrected. :-(
- suddenly the ndc command appears...
I append a rcsdiff for bind. :-)

You might answer the commands will check the configfiles for themselfs (and
so its out of scope of the policy for initd scripts) but I see the relation
between config file and its ressources is made in the init.d script...

May be lintian should check all scripts going to /etc/init.d for literals?

Whats about the $OPTIONS in /etc/inetd.conf and xinetd.conf ? How can they
be taken from /etc/defaults/?


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