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Bug#267142: debian-policy: Sections 10.4 and 6.1 are inconsistent (Posix doesn't say what you think it says)

Hello Debian policy,

For the record, I am in favor of mandating that /bin/sh is required
to not have a test built-in or at least provide a test built-in that
understand -a and -o.

More generally shells that provide built-in with name conflicting 
with others basic programms in Debian should not be allowed for /bin/sh.
For example a shell with a 'ls' built-in.

I must say I am not a big fan of the /bin/sh policy: shell scripts are
very often used in critical part of the system and only a very small
number of /bin/sh implementation are tested with them, so the bottom
line is a large number of policy-supported but untested configurations.

Bill. <ballombe@debian.org>

Imagine a large red swirl here. 

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