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Bug#162120: Support #162120

On 08 Jul 2003 10:42:25 +0200, Thomas Hood <jdthood@yahoo.co.uk> said: 

> The proposal is that policy explicitly permit what is already done
> by some packages -- namely, the regeneration of configuration files
> that have been deleted.  This seems sensible.  This clause will
> serve as a warning to administrators that deleting configuration
> files may not have the effect that they expect.

	Though policy is, in some sense, supposed to document current
 behaviour, this should not be taken as a license to violate policy,
 since if "some packages" do violate policy, then of course policy
 would be changed. 

> It would also be helpful to say that if an administrator wishes to
> prevent the regeneration from happening then he should empty the
> file, not delete it.

	This, then, has all the negatives that ajt seems to think that
 not regenerating configuration files has. And would not work in the
 corner case where mere presence of a file changes program behaviour
 (though I do not know, off hand, if there are any instances of this
 behaviour out there -- /etc/nologin does not have the problem, since
 no one would rationally want to recreate that)

	So now we have an inconsistent way in which the project
 handles user changes to conffiles -- dpkg and ucf try to ensure that
 user5 deletions are honoured, and otrher packages explicitly do not
 honour these changes, by recreating the files -- even though these
 packages can't ensure that the configuration file present on the
 system always has relevant data, since since people can just 
   echo ''  > /rtc/file

	So, instead of creating useful defaults, these programs would
 rather that we change policy, even though changing policy does not
 actually obviate the need for the defaults -- since one can just
 empty the file rather than removing it.

	As I said earlier, not having sane defaults, and depending on
 the configuration file to provide sane defaults is suboptimal
 behaviour; and should be considered a bug.

> A counter-proposal from Manoj Srivastava was (explicitly?) to forbid
> the regeneration of configuration files that have been deleted, but
> this was shot down by AJT in no uncertain terms.

	It was? I only saw ajt coming in foaming at the mouth and
 spewing expletives, and have some of his ranting countered by me, but
 obviously your mileage varied. 

The greatest griefs are those we cause ourselves. Sophocles
Manoj Srivastava   <srivasta@debian.org>  <http://www.debian.org/%7Esrivasta/>
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