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Re: Explanation for recently retired proposals

>>>>> "Manoj" == Manoj Srivastava <srivasta@acm.org> writes:

    Manoj>      * #100586: [PROPOSAL] Upstream patches should be
    Manoj> separated from Debian ones.  Package: debian-policy;
    Manoj> Severity: wishlist; Reported by: David Martinez CSIC
    Manoj> RedIRIS <david.martinez@rediris.es>; 2 years and 68 days
    Manoj> old.

    Manoj>  This is premature as a policy proposal, we first need a
    Manoj> working packaging tool chain.

I think I'll probably object to this being anything stronger than
something that people can do with their packages.  I certainly don't
want to be obligated to do so with my packages even if tools are ever

In addition, if policy were to make a recommendation, I would rather
it be that people version control their packages than they separate
patches.  It's been my experience that separating upstream and Debian
packages is mostly incompatible with revision control for packages.  I
suspect we will never get consensus to recommend that people version
control packages.  

Perhaps one realistic compromise once the tools are available would be
to recommend that people either version control their packages or
separate out upstream patches.

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