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Bug#162120: Support #162120

On Tue, Jul 08, 2003 at 06:29:33PM +0200, Thomas Hood wrote:

> Second, propose a change to policy such that it explicitly
> forbid the recreation of configuration files that the admin has
> deleted.  This idea was rejected by AJT before and presumably
> will be again.  However, you might be able to get the proposal
> accepted.

Some packages may require a config file, in which case, I think they
would be justified in recreating it.  Others may use the presence or
absence of a file as a flag, in which case, it's important not to
recreate it.  How about, instead of trying to force all packages into
a narrow mold, which may or may not be a comfortable fit in some
cases, we require *documentation* for config files.  Or, at the least,
pick a default behavior and require documentation for packages which
don't follow that default.

Frankly, I would love it if I could see a file in /etc, and could know
that typing "man 5 filename" will tell me what that file is and how it
works.  That may be optimistic, but it sure would be nice.

Chris Waters           |  Pneumonoultra-        osis is too long
xtifr@debian.org       |  microscopicsilico-    to fit into a single
or xtifr@speakeasy.net |  volcaniconi-          standalone haiku

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