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Re: [epg@progeny.com: Bug#154142: dhcp-client conflicts]

Previously Moshe Zadka wrote:
> Ummm.....if a C compiler doesn't support a /usr/bin/cc which supports -o
> and -c, it shouldn't "Provide: c-compiler"

A virtual package is a means to indicate a package provides a certain
interface, not some functionality. Functionality is useless if you
can't use it in a standard way. If a random package X can not rely
on and use expected behaviour by random package Y that provides a
virtual package Z without hardcoding specific on Z we might as well
ditch the concept of virtual packages.

For MTAs the standard interface is /usr/sbin/sendmail with a couple
of standard commandline options (LSB has a nice list). For a C compiler
the interface is /usr/bin/cc with a few common options (which definitely
include -c and -o).

If policy is currently unclear on this we should improve the policy
text. It definitely makes sense for each virtual package to specify
the exact interface it represents.


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