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Re: Policy Process (was: Bug #89867: Where to place web-accessible images)

>>"Matthew" == Matthew Palmer <mpalmer@debian.org> writes:

 Matthew> On Mon, 2 Sep 2002, Manoj Srivastava wrote:
 Matthew> Based on the proposal's use of http://localhost/, or some
 Matthew> other criteria?
 >> Right now, if I arrange for images to be referenced in
 >> /var/www/, they are accessible elsewhere (I did something like that
 >> when I used to maintain LaTeX2HTML -- the images were available both
 >> locally using a fil:// url as well as from off machine).

 Matthew> What magic, precisely, did you use to achieve that?  Apart
 Matthew> from having the whole HTMLized document in /var/www (which,
 Matthew> IIRC, we do here - I don't manage documentation) and using
 Matthew> proper relative links.

	Close. You see, LaTeX2HTML comes with navigational icons (left
 right, up and down arrows, and some other stuff like buttons), and
 when creating a HTML document, pointers were put in to
 /usr/share/latex2html/icons/blah -- and the problem that was to be
 solved was that user should be able to see the images when saying
 mozilla converted_document/index.html; and also when one moved the
 converted document dir into ~/public_html/

	So, LaTeX2HTML used to do this (I don't use it anymore, so I
 do not know if this is still the case)

  mkdir -p /var/www/usr/share/latex2html
  ln -s /usr/share/latex2html/icons /var/www/usr/share/latex2html/

 Subject: Linux box finds it hard to wake up in the morning I've heard
 of dogs being like their owners, but Linux boxen? Peter Hunter
Manoj Srivastava   <srivasta@debian.org>  <http://www.debian.org/%7Esrivasta/>
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