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Re: Objection to change made in debian policy

On Mon, 3 Jun 2002, Chris Waters <xtifr@debian.org> wrote:

> Without disagreeing with your proposal, I'd like to point out that
> there seems to be a fairly trivial workaround:
> #! /usr/bin/make -f
> build:
> 	debian/myrules build
> binary-arch:
> 	debian/myrules binary-arch
> binary-indep:
> 	debian/myrules binary-indep
> binary:
> 	debian/myrules binary
> clean:
> 	debian/myrules clean
> Then debian/myrules could be any sort of script you want.  It could
> even be a binary, built on the fly, if you really wanted to get
> tricky.
> Granted, it's a bit redundant and silly, but it's policy-compliant and
> should provide the flexibility you need, at least from now till
> whenever policy becomes unfrozen again.  And frankly, if there were
> some packages using this silly workaround, I'd be that much more
> likely to support a proposal to modify policy to make it unnecessary.
> (Not that I oppose the proposal in the slightest.)

I am using, well, not quite this work around. But in Twisted, my d/r
rules was starting to get really hairy, with redundancy and all yuuckiness.
So in the new Twisted (0.18.0, not out of q/new because it has new packages)
I use the following workaround:

install-stamp: build-stamp
        chmod +x debian/scripts/*
        debian/scripts/install 2.1
        debian/scripts/install 2.2

Where scripts/* are shell scripts. Next versions they'll probably moved
to Python scripts. With all due respect to Manoj's objections, if someone
doesn't know Python, he has no business packaging Twisted.

FWIW, another part looks like:

        rm -rf debian/python2.1-twisted debian/python2.2-twisted
        install -d debian/python2.1-twisted debian/python2.2-twisted
        /usr/bin/python2.1 setup.py install --no-compile --root debian/python2.1-twisted
        /usr/bin/python2.2 setup.py install --no-compile --root debian/python2.2-twisted

Which uses upstream's setup.py (based on distutils) to do the heavy lifting.
I'm not sure if that qualifies as a work around or not, since it is not
the Debian maintainer who wrote setup.py (though I am close enough to upstream
that I helped hack on that too) 
Actually, as a dispatcher, makes work moderately well, though personally,
I could have used Python much more easily... 

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