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Bug#108416: Format of short description should be mandated

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I prefer the guidelines that Branden suggests
 (though the short descriptions of my packages
  don't precisely follow them now.  I'll consider
  to update them when I'll upload next time.)

In <listgate20010812012005$5fb1@attila.bofh.it>,
  on Sun, 12 Aug 2001 03:20:05 +0200,
    on Bug#108416: Format of short description should be mandated,
 Branden Robinson <branden@debian.org> wrote:

> Here are some suggestions to get the ball rolling:
> A package's short description should:
>  * fit on an 80-character line within the control file (so that the
>    package name and description together take up less than 80
>    characters)
>  * typically be written in a form that completes the following sentence:
>    "<foo> is a package which provides (a/an)..."
>  * expand acronyms that were coined for the purpose of naming the
>    package, if there is room and it is informative
>  * not attempt to explain or describe things to the user that he or she
>    would most likely already know if he or she wanted to install it
>    (For instance, most people who care anything about python or perl
>    packages know that these are scripting languages; it is not necessary
>    to reiterate that fact.)
> A package's short description should not:
>  1. repeat the package name; package system front ends will not present
>     short descriptions in the absence of their corresponding package
>     names
>  2. refer to the names of any other software packages, protocl names,
>     standards, or specifications in their canonical forms (if one
>     exists)
>     (e.g.,
>     + "X Window System", "X11", or "X"; not "X Windows", "X-Windows", or
>       -- most hideous of all -- "X Window"
>     + "GTK+", not "GTK" or "gtk"
>     + "GNOME", not "Gnome"
>     + "PostScript", not "Postscript" or "postscript"
>  3. use the indefinite articles "a" or "an" where not strictly necessary;
>     especially not as the first word of the short description
>  4. contain capital letters or periods, except where required by 2)
>  5. refer to the fact that it is a Debian package (this is known from
>     context and is not new information)
>  6. use abbreviations like "&", "misc.", "etc.", or similar forms
> A package's short description must not:
>   * be identical to the short description of another package
>   * be longer than 80 characters

- -- 
  Taketoshi Sano: <sano@debian.org>,<sano@debian.or.jp>,<kgh12351@nifty.ne.jp>
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