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arch: lines, for not-just-linux debian. (was Re: Hurd and architecture)

not really relevant to -www anymore.

On Tue, Mar 27, 2001 at 03:36:07PM -0800, Jeff Bailey wrote:
> There have been attempted ports to other platforms, although none has been
> completed yet.
> The formal package 'arch name' for hurd is 'hurd-i386', so I'd guess that
> the plan is to have other arch's one day.

This occured to me a while ago, shouldn't all (nearly all, since
debian =~ linux at this point) have linux-i386, linux-sparc,
linux-m68k, etc in their Arch: ?

either that your have something like
Kernel: linux
Arch: i386

originally i favoured the latter idea, but not anymore.


its certainly reasonable to have a transition period where
everything assumes i386 => linux-i386, but it seems more intelligent
for things to be represented  as linux-i386, linux-ppc, etc.

Brian Russo      <brusso@phys.hawaii.edu>
Debian/GNU Linux <wolfie@debian.org> http://www.debian.org
LPSG "member"    <wolfie@lpsg.org>   http://www.lpsg.org

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